Garden waste is organic recycling at its finest. Most local authorities collect it (some at a small annual cost), and send it off for composting, ensuring the goodness that comes out of the earth goes back in.
And while it may seem obvious which materials must and mustn’t be placed into your garden waste bin, some items do cause confusion, so here’s your guide to what can and cannot be recycled.
Yes please
All of the items listed below are gratefully received by commercial organic composters, such as ourselves.
To make our composting efforts even more effective and green, we always appreciate it when bigger items of garden waste, like branches and trees, are chopped into smaller pieces.
A note on weeds
Common all garden weeds, such as dandelions, chickweed and white clover are welcome, however, there are certain weeds that are considered ‘noxious’ or ‘invasive non-native plants’ which must not be placed in the garden waste bin at any time. These include:
All domestic gardeners have a legal obligation to prevent the growth and spread of these invasive plants, which includes disposing of them lawfully and correctly under the guidance of a qualified and certified expert. Discover more here.
Common misconceptions
It’s understandable why some people think the following items are organic or natural and may be suitable to dispose of in the garden waste bin. But please be aware that the things listed are a no-no’s when it comes to composting (please spread the word):